For me, this blog will take the form of diary. I've never kept a diary, but I have attempted a few times in my life to do so. It has never come to me easily. Keeping a public, module specific diary seems an even more difficult task. Writing a blog in a foreign language and updating it regularly seems to be an impossible task! Laura - my friend and fellow student suggested that it may be easier for me to meet this challenge by first writing in Polish, then translating what I have written into English. Therefore, these posts can be seen in two versions and I can attempt to express myself more clearly.
Last year brought unexpected changes. DJCAD students were faced with changes in the Undergraduate Programme. The entire course structure has been reviewed to meet expectations of the market, as well as budget cuts in education. In my opinion, the changes are the most positive phenomenon. Questionable, however, is how they have been introduced. Almost immediately students felt that they are treated like guinea pigs. I must admit that it is not quite a comfortable situation for me to be in.
We were given three options to choose from at the end of Level 2, the first of these routes was the traditional, comparative theoretical work - a dissertation. The second choice/module focused on international studies (this year China) and lastly, a module titled Design and The Market. My choice was Design and the Market. A business, more practical side of it was really appealing to me.
Last year brought unexpected changes. DJCAD students were faced with changes in the Undergraduate Programme. The entire course structure has been reviewed to meet expectations of the market, as well as budget cuts in education. In my opinion, the changes are the most positive phenomenon. Questionable, however, is how they have been introduced. Almost immediately students felt that they are treated like guinea pigs. I must admit that it is not quite a comfortable situation for me to be in.
We were given three options to choose from at the end of Level 2, the first of these routes was the traditional, comparative theoretical work - a dissertation. The second choice/module focused on international studies (this year China) and lastly, a module titled Design and The Market. My choice was Design and the Market. A business, more practical side of it was really appealing to me.
The second half of January 2012 held the first of the lectures. First impression: module blog is professionally prepared; module information is easy to access, interesting presentations and very well-prepared lectures.
However some of the statements in this first lecture raised my concerns. A lot of unknowns are ahead of us. We still do not really know what is expected from us in the fourth year, we do not know whether the internship is a compulsory part of the course and if we receive placement assistance.
The third and fourth years will therefore be a great challenge!

Zeszły rok przeniósł nieoczekiwane zmiany. Studenci DJCAD zostali postawieni przed faktem zmian w programie nauczania. Cała struktura kursu została zreformowana aby wyjść na przeciw oczekiwaniom rynku …..oraz cięciom budżetowym. Moim zdaniem zmiany są jak najbardziej pozytywnym zjawiskiem. Kwestią dyskusyjną jest jednak sposób w jaki zostały wprowadzone. To co jako studenci odczuliśmy niemal momentalnie to fakt, ze jesteśmy traktowani jak króliki doświadczalne. Muszę przyznać że nie do końca jest to dla mnie sytuacja komfortowa
Jedną z ważniejszych zaproponowanych zmian jest opcja wyboru pomiędzy tradycyjną pracą teoretyczno – porównawczą, tak zwaną dysertacją, kursem skoncentrowanym na studiach międzynarodowych ( w tym rok są to Chiny) oraz kursem zatytułowanym Design and the Market (Projektowanie graficzne i Rynek)
W drugiej połowie stycznia tego roku odbył się pierwszy z wykładów Design and Market. Pierwsze wrażenia: profesjonalnie przygotowany blog, łatwy dostęp do informacji, interesujące prezentacje i bardzo dobrze przygotowane wykłady.
Kilka z twierdzeń jakie padły w tymże wykładzie budzi jednak moje obawy. Także wiele niewiadomych przed nami. Ciągle tak naprawdę nie wiemy czego oczekuje się od nas na czwartym roku, nie wiemy czy staż jest częścią obowiązkową tego kursu i czy otrzymamy pomoc w organizacji stażu.
Trzeci i czwarty rok będa więc jednym wielkim wyzwaniem!
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